Just like a well-tended garden yields a bountiful harvest, your generous support enables Larger Story to equip believers of all ages in nurturing Christ-following relationships

Larger Story, the legacy ministry of Dr. Crabb, helps churches and individuals move beyond simply affirming Biblical belief systems or improving external behavior. We foster transformational spiritual communities that experience God as they become people whose way of relating extends a persuasive invitation to those who don't yet know Jesus.

Reading & Relating Book Club
The Reading & Relating Book Club gathers believers from around the world each month to explore their faith and deepen their relationships through meaningful discussions that sow wisdom, understanding, and interconnection

Larger Story Blog
Our Larger Story blog features not only the work of Dr. Larry Crabb but also Rachael Crabb and Jeanie Stirling's "Becoming Me, Without You" column and the Hope for the Helpers column.

Relational Spirituality Podcast
Our Relational Spirituality Podcast fosters discussions that nourish the soul and cultivate thought-provoking conversations.

Larry Crabb's Unpublished Books
Larry Crabb's work is a timeless treasure waiting to be shared with generations to come. Your giving provides the means for us to continue editing his final manuscripts for publication.

Support Our Team
The tools for everything we offer are based in our small team and admin systems. Supporting our team and the software and other systems that make our work possible is a key contribution to enable Larger Story to do this Kingdom work.

2024 Course Launch
Prep the groundwork for discipling a new generation of believers by supporting our digital courses which foster a healthy environment for spiritual formation.

Church Partnerships
Beginning in 2024, Larger Story will begin partnering with churches through spiritual formation events. Reach out if your church would be interested!